
O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

Okay, so it's been nearly a month since we actually put up our christmas tree but since not enough people live close by to see it, we felt we must post it for your viewing pleasure!!!

Bev's family has a yearly tradition of cutting down christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving. Every year they head down to central Utah near Richfield and spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa Miller's house and on the mountain in search of the perfect tree. We had a wonderful time at the house this year, catching-up with family and eating hot-chaws (a topic for another time).

This year Bev and I were the last to find our tree. Some were lucky enough to find their perfect tree close to the base of the mountain and right off the side of the road. Others of us had to search the whole mountain for the perfect tree. Bev and I hiked to the top of the mountain, where we stopped and found our tree for the year. Then we had to wait for the chainsaw (operated by Bev's dad) to catch-up to us. We then began the journey down the mountain carrying our fresh tree.

After some hot cocoa we loaded up the trees and headed home. We couldn't wait to put up our tree, so the minute we got home we put it in the stand, turned on some christmas music and decorated it that night. We stayed up way past our bedtime, but we had a lot fun decorating the tree. Best of all, our house smells like moutain pine...a perfect air freshener.

We wish you all a very merry christmas!!!!


Marissa Marie said...

The kiddies with the hot cocoa are adorable! So are Jake and Bev posing with the tree. ;)

Becky J. said...

Cute tree! That's a very fun tradition.

the Pearce Place said...

Darm, I missed out on another family tree cutting experience in Richfield,
At least we have a live tree this year, they are great air fresheners!

Mauri said...

I love your tree--and I love how wonderful it smells when you have a real one like that.

Michelle & Steve said...

Dude?!?! When were you going to let me know that you were a blogger? It's a little late, but congrats on becoming a member of the Utah State Bar. Can I call you Esquire Jake now? My new cell # is 702-767-7762 since I don't know yours, and that means you have to call first.

Anonymous said...

You guys really know how to do a christmas tree! It was great to see you guys over the holidays. We hope you are enjoying 2008. love you guys