
Defender of the Constitution

"I do solemnly swear that I will support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States . . . " This was the beginning of the oath I took yesterday as I was sworn into the Utah State Bar. It's official, I'm a licensed attorney!! It was a great time at the Salt Palace with Bev, my parents, and Bev's parents in attendance. It is a huge relief to finally have the bar behind me. At first I didn't think too much of being sworn in, until I took the oath and realized the obligations I was undertaking. I am now officially a "Defender of the Constitution." How cool is that?!?


The Caldwells said...

woot. woot. congratulations Jake!

ali monson said...

You're licensed now big man? I've got a neighbor whose dog never stops barking...can we sue him now?

Congrats buddy! Way to go. This is just awesome!

Chelsie said...

CONGRATS! Jake that's SUPER amazing! I can't believe it. Way to go. And Bev, cute cute cute with the halloween costumes!