Last fall I was home sick and Jake stayed home from work to take care of me. We decided to turn on the TV that morning and happened upon a contest one of the local morning shows was having for a free trip to Vegas. We heard them announce it and didn't really think much of it, but then about 5 minutes later they announced it again and said they still needed people to enter. At that point we thought maybe we were the only ones watching (it was a pretty lame show and we have tried to find it since then and are pretty sure they have canceled it). So we sent an email in to the station with the answer to the question. A couple minutes later Jake's name appeared on the TV as the winner. Well, long story short, we didn't really know what we had won until we got the prize pack in the mail a few days later, and we still didn't realize what a great prize we won until we went to Vegas. This is what we ended up winning:
A free hotel stay at the Palazzo. This was not just any ordinary room. It was a luxury suite on the 43rd floor looking out over a beautiful golf course (Jake was excited about the golf part). The bathroom was bigger than our living room, there were 3 TV's (one in the bathroom, one in the sitting area, and one by the bed). The curtains even had a remote to open and close them from the bed. It was the nicest room either of us have ever stayed in.
We also won tickets to see Blue Man Group. Our tickets were on the 6th row, which made for a very loud concert that the baby danced all the way through.
We also won tickets to see Phantom of the Opera. We both agreed that we like the Broadway production better, but the special effects were still amazing and they had the whole theatre set up as the opera house.
The last thing we won was a gift card for $50 to spend at the mall there, but it is also good at some of the malls here in Utah. We spent some of the money on a souvenir and a few treats like yummy gelatto and will probably spend the rest on some more practical things.
Since winning this contest Jake has become a crazy man entering every contest he can find. He hasn't won anything as great as this trip, but some of you may have heard him a few weeks ago on Good Things Utah. You will have to ask him more about what he won and the whole story. It is pretty funny and a little embarrassing to him, but I don't think that has stopped him from entering more contests!
So, on to the rest of Jake's birthday. Monday (his actual birthday) we both had to work during the day, but we had fun celebrating that night with some of Jake's family. We surprised Jake at the local bowling alley and had such a fun time bowling. Jake even ended up being the big winner! We ended the celebration with a yummy dinner at the Cheesecake Factory later that night.
Happy Birthday Jake! Thanks for being such an amazing husband! I love you!
Alright - free trip! Bev you look so CUTE prego! Really - you look great!
I want to win free stuff! That sounded like a fun weekend. It's a good idea to live it up on Jake's birthday, cuz you may be doing something very different for your birthday. :)
Happy Birthday Jake! We love you and wish we could have been there to celebrate!!
Lots of Love...XOXO
happy birthday jake! thanks for letting us celebrate with you.
Wow! Super fun trip. Maybe I will start entering every contest I see too. It looks like a super fun birthday.
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