
Ragnar Relay

What happens when you take twelve ordinary people split them between two vans and then force them to run 187 miles through the Wasatch mountains? Well, besides having two stinky vans you get twelve exhausted yet jubilant people. I ran the Wasatch Back Relay a week and half ago, the reason it's taken me so long to write this entry is because it has taken me a week and half to recover! I ran as part of team "Not a Scrub in the Bunch," a family team put together by Bev's Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Doug.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Ragnar races, the Wasatch Back begins in Logan and ends in Park City. Each of the twelve runners has three different legs to run during the 187 mile experience, and the race never stops, you run all through the night. We started at 6:45 am on Friday and finished a little after 2 pm on Saturday. We had a lot fun being together and cheering each other on. We were also entertained by the other 650 teams, 1/3 of which belong in mental institutions, there were some crazy runners. Some of my favorites included the Winder Dairy van equipped with a microphone and blaring music, the disco team that ran in 70's shirts and Afro wigs, and team tumor (a team made up of cancer patients/survivors). It was clear that it was not about being the fastest, but more about having fun and loving the experience. Our whole team met just before the finish line and we all ran in together, a true team effort.

Even though I'm not a runner, by any stretch of the imagination, I enjoyed every minute of it, even the running. It was great to have a team cheering you on as you ran, encouraging you to keep going, and supplying you with water and food. To say that we were exhausted at the end would be an understatement. My body hurt so bad Saturday night that I could barely walk, but I still had a smile on my face. You may be wondering if I would do it again or recommend running a Ragnar Relay. The answer, absolutely!!! I'm planning to run again next year. Honestly the toughest part of the whole experience was being separated from Bev for two nights, this was the first time since being married that we were apart for more than a day. Hopefully next year we can do it together.
This is van #1 at the starting line in Logan.
My first leg, 7.5 miles up Avon Pass.
Our team running across the finish line together.
I forgot to mention that Megan and I are now famous. We were interviewed by the illustrious Park City news team. I'm sure the interview was seen by at all 10 people that watch the nightly park city news.

Our team at the finish line with our medals. Me, Sheila, Clint, Danielle, Megan, Nelly, Scott, Heather, Doug, Carolyn, Ben, and Kendal.


Lisa said...

I love that you are all smiling as you crossed the finish line! Sounds like it was a great experience.

htasker said...

I just wish the two vans had more time to interact. It was a blast though!

Emilee said...

I thought of entering that race this year. It sounds like so much fun. I definately will enter next year.

kachers said...

Hey! I read this awhile ago but I am terrible at commenting. What an accomplishment! It was great to see you guys at the reunion - your sleeping bags made our last night HEAVEN. THANK YOU SO MUCH! And email me ... abbyandryan@gmail.com ! Hope all is well!