
5 months!

Hannah is 5 months old today! I can't believe she will be 1/2 a year in just a month. Over the past month Hannah has grown and developed so much. Here are some of the things she has been doing:

One of the biggest accomplishments is that Hannah is sleeping in her very own room. It actually was a sad day for Jake and I when she graduated from her cradle in our room. We miss having her close at night. She has adjusted amazingly well and continues to sleep through the night (most days).

Hannah has started eating baby food. I still can't decide how much she really likes it. She usually pulls some pretty crazy faces when we give it to her, but she keeps eating it. It has made diaper changing a whole new experience.

Another big event was when she got her two bottom teeth. They actually popped through a week after her 3 month mark, but now they are all the way in.

Hannah loves her toys! Some favorites are her jumper, exersaucer, Ellie (her elephant), and lately her very favorite is our laptop. Jake keeps promising her the laptop whenever we get a new one, but we will see:)

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 This is Hannah's contrabution to the blog.

Hannah has started babbeling a lot more. She likes to say "mama" the most. She usually says it when she is getting upset and I like to think she really is calling for me to come rescue her.

Hannah loves cuddeling and eating everything in sight.

Hannah has become a lot more cuddly especially after just waking up from a nap; these are some of our favorite times with her.

We have been so blessed with such a happy and good natured baby. Hannah always has a big smile for everyone. She has been battling her first cold over the past week and I am surprised at how happy she still is even with all the congestion and coughing.


Marissa Marie said...

Wow, that smile is contagious! She is one cute kiddo!

Haley said...

She's so stinkin' cute. Good look with solid food. We still struggle. It's messy! I love the new blog look. Did you take her snowshoeing?

Lisa said...

She is so CUTE! And getting chubby!

Jeanne Lawyer said...

Oh Bev, she is so sweet! I have to agree that is smile is VERY contagious. What a little sweetheart.

Jeanne said...

She just keeps getting cuter! Every picture is just darling! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! :o)

ang said...

Oh! She is a doll! You must be having so much fun. =o)